At The Missing Think, Executive Coaching steps in where training and traditional workshops stop.

Building clarity, confidence and expertise in areas where a leader is experiencing lack of growth, results or personal frustration, The Missing Think coaching process identifies what is standing in the way of success, and works with the individual to implement a clear action plan to maximise potential.

Our clients develop a strength and competency in delivering results that is completely transferable, sustainable and repeatable. We find the pathway that will work for each individual to deliver results in any area of business, or in life.

 The Process
The process of Executive Coaching is as infinite as the number of individuals who utilise it. At its core, it is simply a series of conversations to plot:

  •  the current CHALLENGES, blocks or frustrations being experienced, and
  •  exactly what RESULTS the leader wants to deliver

 Then, together, we construct the bridge between the two. At The Missing Think, this bridge consists of a combination of:

  1. EDUCATION: the skills, techniques or knowledge that are needed to facilitate the change required, and
  2. SELF AWARENESS:  the behaviours, attitudes or habits that  have held you back until now, and the strategies to consistently and effectively counter them

Education and Self Awareness must work together. One without the other will not lead to change. Broadly speaking, the areas that are commonly addressed fall into 3 categories:

  •  Communication skills: Be compelling, assertive and effective in every situation. Update your toolkit to keep up with the ever-evolving complex business environments we must operate in.
  • People Management: Consistently create productive and satisfying relationships and bring out the best in those around you to deliver consistent results. Deliver strategic outcomes AND grow trust.
  • Self Management: How to maintain a sense of confidence, clarity of thought and composure, regardless of the circumstances around you. Align how people perceive you on the outside with how you feel on the inside.

Combine with tailored workshops for the leadership team to accelerate results across the business and transform and align the culture with the vision of the business.

Is Executive Coaching for you?

Whether you have clarity on your goals and direction, but are struggling to figure out how to make it happen, or if identifying the goals in the first place is holding you back, The Missing Think can complete the loop and set you back on track.

Moving on from those feelings of being ‘stuck’, frustrated and overwhelmed and finding your management mojo is simpler than you think.

What if I am not based in Adelaide?

Rather than impede the effectiveness of the coaching, we have found that conducting conversations by phone can increase the intensity of focus and concentration by removing the face-to-face elements of communication, freeing the client to move more swiftly to discovering the solutions they seek.

Contact us to find out more.